You know that we are always so jazzed when we get to post an amazing before and after photo, and this one is no different from the rest. In fact, it’s just down right impressive!

So what treatment exactly did this patient have done? Drum roll, please! It’s a very cool new treatment we offer called the thread lift nose job, combined with a liquid rhinoplasty.

If you haven’t heard of the thread lift nose job, you might be thinking, what? But yes, it’s true. There are non-surgical ways to correct certain irregularities of the nose, especially if you feel like you’re not quite ready for surgery.

What is a thread lift nose job?

You may have heard of thread lifts being used for a non-surgical facelift (which we offer at MD Beauty Clinic too). This is a pretty similar treatment except that it targets the nose. Using InstaLift threads, they are strategically inserted just below the surface of the skin in order to lift the tip and straighten the nose.

It’s important to keep in mind that the thread lift nose job can’t do everything, so you really do need to be the right candidate for it. The thread lift nose job can re-shape and/or re-position the tissue in the area of the nose in order to achieve the desired result, but it can’t modify your nose structure, meaning it can’t make your nose smaller, for instance. For that and other structural concerns like it you would need to consider surgical rhinoplasty.

The transformation that’s achieved with a thread lift nose job is a subtle correction as opposed to significantly refining the shape of the nose or improving issues with breathing, amongst other concerns.

This is where our lovely patient comes in. She was a great candidate for this treatment because she was looking to straighten her nose as well as lift the tip, and as you can see her results are pretty stellar.

And what was this about liquid? Well, Dr. Chbat combined her treatment with what’s called a liquid rhinoplasty, which basically just means that he also added injectable dermal filler to the nose in order to smooth out the patient’s bump, really completing the look.

And if you hadn’t noticed because you were staring at her stunning nose, while she was at it our amazing patient also opted for some lip filler to enhance that gorgeous natural pout. Because why not get exactly the look you want?

How long does the thread lift nose job take and how long will it last?

This treatment is literally called “the lunch time nose job” because it only takes anywhere between 30-45 minutes and requires very little downtime. Our patient is featured here immediately after treatment, and keep in mind that her result will only continue to improve in the months to follow.

The threads will eventually dissolve within about 6-9 months, but because they stimulate a wound healing response in your body, they get your body to produce collagen which is what will ultimately allow your results to last for up to a year and a half.

If you’re interested in the thread lift nose job, our non-surgical rhinoplasty expert is Dr. Chbat, and he’ll let you know if you’re the right candidate for the treatment. That being said, if you’ve had a previous rhinoplasty then you’ll first need to be seen by our plastic surgeon and rhinoplasty expert, Dr. Ahmad.