With their similar names and related technologies, it’s easy to get confused when it comes to figuring out the difference between AccuTite and FaceTite, and in deciding which treatment would best address your skin concerns.

The funny thing with these treatments is that in some ways they are very much the same, but in others they are really different – not to confuse you more! When it comes to AccuTite and FaceTite the differences are literally in the details, which we’re going to break down for you here, to help sort out where you may want to begin if skin rejuvenation for the face is on your radar.

The Science behind AccuTite and FaceTite

You can think about AccuTite and FaceTite as sister treatments that come from the same InMode family. AccuTite is literally considered as the baby of the family, and is often referred to as Baby FaceTite. What relates the two treatments is that the science behind them is essentially the same.

Both AccuTite and FaceTite use radiofrequency (RF) technology in order to deliver heat sub-dermally or just below the surface of the skin. The goal with both treatments is to shrink tissue and melt fat resulting in tighter, firmer skin in the area that is being targeted.

Both treatments are often combined with radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL), which can offer even more dramatic skin contouring and remodelling results.

AccuTite and FaceTite: What’s the difference?

The difference between AccuTite and FaceTite lies in the areas of the face and body that they have the capability to target. With an AccuTite treatment, the device used in order to deliver RF heat and contract tissue, is unique in that it’s very small and can therefore target small delicate areas of the face, but also smaller areas of the body as well.

An AccuTite treatment usually involves treating skin laxity in areas on the face such as the nasolabial folds, smile lines, jowls and jawline, but also the area around the eyes, including the brows as well as the upper and lower eyelids. It can also be used to tighten the skin, and reduce moderate amounts of fat on small areas of the body, such as on the hands, the upper arms, the knees and even on the back (particularly bra fat).

FaceTite is typically a treatment that addresses skin laxity on slightly bigger areas of the face, such as the chin, cheeks, jowls, and on areas of the neck.

Which treatment is best for you: AccuTite or FaceTite?

The best treatment for you really depends on what area of the face or body you’re looking to treat, and what you’re looking to achieve with any one of these treatments. In general, both AccuTite and FaceTite address mild to moderate skin laxity typically on the face and neck, and in some cases on smaller areas of the body with AccuTite. They’re also capable of reducing small amounts of fat, thereby offering more contour and definition to the targeted area.

More concretely, if you’re looking to treat something like hooded eyelids, then AccuTite would be a great treatment to address mild to moderate skin laxity on the eyelids. Or if you have under eye laxity, the small under eye bags that make you look tired all the time, AccuTite can be super effective in making those a lot less visible. Alternatively, you may be looking to get rid of some moderate amounts of fat in the knee area, then AccuTite would also be your go-to treatment.

As for FaceTite, we consider this to be a non-surgical facelift option. So if you’re looking for an overall lift, say adding more definition and contour to the cheeks and jowls for instance, then this could be a great option for you. FaceTite, sometimes called NeckTite, is also a great option if you’re trying to combat turkey neck or moderate skin laxity on the neck.

So where AccuTite will get to the nitty gritty little areas where the skin may have lost some of its volume and elasticity, FaceTite will address skin laxity on the face and neck in a broader way. You can think about it as zooming in and zooming out. With AccuTite we’ll be zooming in on small areas and with FaceTite we’ll be zooming out and considering the whole face.

If you’re still not sure which treatment, AccuTite or FaceTite, is best for you, just come chat with us. We’ll break it all down for you, take an up close and in depth look at your concerns, and make sure that the treatment you choose will give you the best results possible.